Walnut Creek Pickleball Club
Walnut Creek, California
International Federation of Pickleball - The International Federation of Pickleball (IFP) was organized to perpetuate the growth and advancement of Pickleball throughout the world. The member organizations representing their respective countries have agreed to conduct the business of the IFP in conformance to the Constitution and Bylaws of the IFP.
International Federation of Pickleball Official Tournament Rulebook - The USAPA has adopted the rules of the International Federation of Pickleball (IFP). The IFP published the first rulebook in 2010. The 2010 version of the rules was adapted with permission from the rulebook of the USAPA that was first published in March 1984 and included revisions through March 28, 2010.
International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association - the world leader in developing teaching standards for the sport of pickleball.