Walnut Creek Pickleball Club
Walnut Creek, California
How to pay for your membership to the Walnut Creek Pickleball Club
Checks should be made out to WCPC
Check or cash can be given to Mark Nollsch or David Holland. You can also put your envelope in the plastic box on the sign-in table at the Rudgear courts. Place in the envelope your name and the reason for the payment (e.g. yearly membership)
Snail mail a check to Mark Nollsch, 2323 Belford Drive, Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Venmo to @Mark-Nollsch (last 4 digit of cell phone are 7080, if needed)
If you have a PayPal account, you can use it to make your payment.
Click on this button to open PayPal then follow with your log-in credentials.
Once in PayPal, click on SEND to make your payment. Make the payment to the account wcpctreasurer@gmail.com.
Enter the amount of your payment (e.g. $60.00 for yearly membership and in the What's the payment for box enter "Yearly membership")
On the next screen titled Choose a payment type select "For Family and Friends". With this type of payment PayPal will not charge any fees.
On confirmation of payment, you can exit PayPal and return to the WCPC web site or exit out of all open windows
After making your payment, do not forget to mail in a signed application form.